Exam General Information


Monday, June 1 8:20 to 10:20, in our Zoom classroom. You may use extended time until 11:20.


The exam will be a Google Form. The link will be emailed to you at the beginning of the exam session.
- It will be a combination of multiple choice and short answer.
- You will be required to submit your work in a folder titled “YOUR NAME - final exam”. Work submitted in other ways will not be counted.
- The exam will be open notes, but not open internet.


34 multiple questions:
- Chapter 6: 5 questions
- Chapter 7: 5 questions
- Chapter 8: 4 questions
- Chapter 10: 10 questions
- Chapter 11: 5 questions
- Chapter 12: 6 questions


- A link to the recorded exam will be emailed to students who have requested it ahead of time at the beginning of the exam.
- A printable version of the exam will be emailed to all students at the beginning of the exam.
- You will have 3 hours to complete the exam, and we can make arrangements for an extra hour if you need it.

Other questions?

Please send any other questions you have that I have missed and I will address them.

Chapter 6: Quadrilaterals


Angles of Polygons
Using Properties of Quadrilaterals to Find Missing Measures
Identifying Quadrilaterals

Chapter 7: Proportions and Similarity


Similar Polygons
Proving Similar Triangles: ASA, SSS, SAS
Parallel Lines and Proportional Parts
Parts of Similar Triangles

Chapter 8: Right Triangles and Trigonometry


Relationships in Right Triangles
The Pythagorean Theorem
Special Right Triangles
Trigonometric Ratios (SOH CAH TOA)

Chapter 10: Circles


Circumference and Arc Length
Arc and Angles Relationships
Segment Relationships
Equations of Circles

Chapter 11: Areas of Polygons


Rectangles and Squares
Circles and Sectors
Regular Polygons

Chapter 12: Surface Area and Volume


Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders
Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones
Volume of Prisms and Cylinders
Volume to Pyramids and Cones
Surface Area of Spheres
Volume of Spheres

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